WDSU Editorial: Neighbors helping neighbors
Spring tornadoes in Southeast Louisiana; this time, Slidell took the brunt of the destruction.
Homes damaged, businesses ruined, and lives changed forever.
But in the midst of this natural disaster, we all stood tall to help each other because that's what we do: we come together. We help.
On the devastating day that the EF-2 tornado touched down, a Slidell police officer took action.
Body camera video showing the heroic efforts of Officer Rodney West.
He loves protecting people, and on this day, he did just that, and we got to witness it.
We also got to see business, civic and charity groups step up, to provide housing, meals, blankets, cleaning supplies and anything else people needed.
We came together.
Professional athletes also pitched in.
People didn't just talk the talk; they walked the walk.
Here in Southeast Louisiana, we've been through our fair share of dangerous weather events.
We're battle-tested, and we know that actions speak louder than words.