New Orleans mayor implicated in criminal indictment against former body guard
New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell was implicated in a federal indictment Friday filed against her former body guard Officer Jeffrey Vappie.
The indictment outlines allegations of an affair while Vappie served as her security guard.
Vappie was indicted on seven counts of wire fraud and one count of making false statements. Cantrell was implicated throughout the indictment and named as “Public Official 1, Mayor of the City of New Orleans.”
It is important to note that Cantrell has not been indicted. However, multiple sources say a federal investigation has been conducted into her involvement in Vappie’s time cards for weeks.
Cantrell will enter her final year in office on Jan. 1, 2025. A new mayor will be elected and take office in 2025. Whoever takes the position will take office on Jan. 6, 2026.
It is important to note that a federal trial can sometimes take years before beginning.
In the event Mayor Cantrell does get indicted and faces trial in 2025, it won’t hinder her last year in office.
Cantrell, if convicted, would face suspension without pay, according to the city’s home charter.
The home charter states the suspension would remain in place until the conviction is final and all court proceedings are exhausted.
The council could then by a majority vote declare the mayors seat vacant.
If Cantrell steps down, it’s likely an interim would be appointed until the election.
Should she be sentenced to prison for any crimes, that sentence likely would not take place until after she is out of office.
She could also enter a plea should she be indicted, which would open her up to the opportunity of negotiating no jail time.
It is also possible that Cantrell would face fines regardless of whether she pleads or is sentenced to a federal crime.
Cantrell could, and likely would, appeal any convictions she may face should she be formally charged. If an appeal overturns a conviction, she could be owed back pay from any suspensions, and if still within her term, be restored all powers as mayor, according to the home charter.
A federal conviction would not impact her pension.
Cantrell’s pension would be 75-80 percent of her highest-paid salary over a three-year period. This would likely be her salary as mayor, which is over $150,000 per year.